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 acceleration shift

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
karam Inserito il - 19 novembre 2002 : 20:47:26
In my feeling there is a contrast between a kind of acceleration that we experience every day and the stagnation of emotional patterns.
I live the dark night of the soul as the planet lives, with all calamities.
I know that we are not separated and we have to keep quiet waiting for the new time.

Scritto Da - karam il 22 Novembre 2002alle ore 13:08:00
15   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
jasmine Inserito il - 04 febbraio 2014 : 18:47:37
Le cose sono andate in altro modo.
Non c'è stata l'inversione dei poli, ma il Polo Nord magnetico è scomparso e c’è rimasto solo il Polo Sud.
Il sole si è bloccato.
Per capodanno ci sono stati dei botti sul sole e quel che succede nel sole...
vedi articolo dell'astrofisica Giulina Conforto.

La fine del potere e l’inizio della libertà | Giuliana Conforto

karam Inserito il - 05 giugno 2013 : 18:21:24

There are so many incoming frequencies and higher dimensional energies entering this planet right now and they only continue to build up in intensity. Many people ask me: "Gosh, does it ever end?" Well, of course it does not, for nothing ever does ... Creation is infinite in expansion!

Yes, there is much intensity going on right now, and it's not just the Solar activity, Gamma rays and other various frequencies that continue to open up and activate our multidimensional centers of Light. It is also the external "craziness" that these energies trigger and activate. Many Souls are not choosing to embody these higher frequencies and raise their vibration. But we need to focus on ourselves, because we are the ones who do. So how can we unburden all the dense and that which weighs us down ... that which feels heavy and inauthentic?
Well, we simply choose to Be the Divine Love embodied. Then we breathe that Love into every cell and molecule of our body. We breathe it into every thread of our Being. We breathe it into every Light particle of our DNA. Just having that conscious intent and breathing it is enough. And we can also ask our Angelic team and Ascension guides/mentors to assist us in releasing all that is heavy and which resides in a lower density. We can also work with the perfected sacred geometry of Flower of Life, the pattern of Divine Perfection. We can also breathe that in. We can also use the sacred Rose, which sister Kara Schallock talks about for example ... to absorb all of that "toxic waste" that lowers our frequency.

There are endless ways of how to do it and how to purify our external energy fields. Then we move on to the next level of vibration and we seek the things that bring us Joy and elevate our inner Bliss sensation. This is the process of raising our frequency. We don't just sit and wait for things to happen, we invite the energy of it into our field through every experience that we engage in. There are endless ways to pursue the things that elevate us. After that comes the process of surrendering to this inner Magic and creating from there on ... in the awareness of the New. Remember that the New continues to expand, and it is always something new and different. We continue to rise up higher and higher ... and there is no limit to the amount of Divine Love that we can embody.

Let only Divine Love be our guide, and let everything else burn in the sacred Violet Fire of Purification, Alchemy, Transformation and Transfiguration!

Within Divine Love, Polona

zed Inserito il - 16 aprile 2010 : 17:38:20
Secondo la scienza lo shft prendera' 20 ore , alcuni parlano di 72 ore ma pare che secondo i Maya si tratti di 30 ore

Ci vuole una massa di enrgia enorme per spostare la terra e la scienza non ha mai capito come si possa verificare.

Ecco una teoria recente:
il mantello di roccia che riveste la terra con l'approssimarsi del campo 0 diventera' liquido come olio
e la crosta potra' muoversi in qualsiasi direzione.
Inoltre il ghiaccio del polo sud non e' centrato.
E' una massa enorme eccentrica di ghiaccio che se dovesse sciogliersi produrrebbe l'innalzamwnto degli oceani di 70 metri.

Nelle ore di oscurita' ci sara' talmente buio
che sara' come essere ciechi.
Poi la vista tornera' e ci si trovera' altrove da dove si era
Secondo don Alejandro in passato molte persone sono morte per la paura, non sapendo che cosa stava succedendo.
La posizione dell'asse verra' a trovarsi secondo gli scienziati a 17 gradi in Russia, non si discosta di molto da quanto diceva Cayce - 16

merevita Inserito il - 11 giugno 2008 : 13:16:44

Le epoche magnetiche e l'inversione dei poli
Un video in italiano. Breve e chiaro
miraluce Inserito il - 31 marzo 2008 : 12:49:50

Un bel video in italiano sul risveglio quantico -
Vi trova la sua spiegazione anche l'evento appena verificatosi.
Le reali cause del cambiamento del clima.

Vedi anche il 2 e il 3

Il mutamento a cui andiamo incontro si svolge a livello galattico-cosmico.
Come la terra sta cambiando frequenza , cosa significa e cosa comporta.

L' aumento della frequenza vibrazionale si accompagna alla diminuzione del campo magnetico terrestre...
fino a che arriveremo al punto 0 - la terra cessera' la rotazione...e comincera' a ruotare in senso contrario-
epocali trasformazioni geologiche. Eventi di portata eccezionale.

Un nuovo ciclo sta per sorgere - Esserci o non esserci dipende da noi.

niroshama Inserito il - 29 marzo 2008 : 17:30:10

La notizia che si è staccata una massa di ghiaccio dall'Antartide
della grandezza di 400 km quadrati, 2 volte l'isola d'Elba, evento che era stato previsto per il 2015, e' passata di fretta nei telegiornali.

Le quisquiglie quotidiane da un lato e le chiacchiere politiche degli uomini importanti ci fanno passare quasi inosservato un evento di tale portata.
E quando ne vedremo le conseguenze, anche se magari non immediate, ci sentiremo il Boschi di turno ripetere: questo e' indipendente da quello.

«È il più grande evento di questo tipo negli ultimi trent’anni nella penisola antartica», hanno detto gli scienziati americani, «e la colpa è tutta del riscaldamento globale».

E l'avvicinarsi dello shift con il rallentamento del magnetismo e con l'aumento delle frequenze dove li mettiamo?
Se non possiamo porvi rimedio, almeno esserne consapevoli!

miraluce Inserito il - 18 settembre 2006 : 12:25:48

Eppur si muove...

report di un radiestesista francese che studia le frequenze della terra

Molto sottile nell'espressione
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006
Bon, Désolé pour cette interruption du son, mais j'ai eu ces derniers jours des coupures d'électricités très conséquentes : c'est l'un des charmes de l'Afrique !! donc, je me concentrais, quand j'avais du jus, sur les mesures quotidiennes et sur les alertes. Je pense que çà va se calmer et que je vais très bientôt pouvoir publier tout çà parce que c'est très étonnant :

On serait dans une sorte d'apesanteur.

Comme si tout s'arrêtait : Oh temps suspend ton vol !!! Moteur coupé, roue libre ... Près de 80% des pays sont en mode pause, radicalement statiques, et strictement statiques. J'ai jamais vu çà !!! Les choses se mettent entre parenthèses, car je ne vois pas de raison à ce que le mouvement s'arrête ainsi ! Qu'en est-il du destin, des accomplissements, des demains ?

Calme avant la tempête ?

L'impression que j'ai, mais alors, c'est du pur sensitif, totalement subjectif, c'est que cette augmentation pourrait fonctionner comme une rampe de lancement, c'est à dire que çà tire vers le haut ce qui veux bien se laisser tirer, et puis, çà coupe les gaz, donc, probablement le lanceur va redescendre, mais y aura t-il des mises en orbites ? C'est à dire des aspects, ou des gens qui vont avoir profité de l'occase pour se mettre à voler ?

Si le lanceur redescend ce qui serait logique, mais, je n'y mettrais pas ma main au feu, on risque d'avoir une sorte d'effondrement, de retour à la pesanteur, que va t-il advenir de tout ce qui est déjà patrac ? On était dans une expansion, un inspire ...

Si c'est l'expire qui s'annonce après cette phase actuelle d'apesanteur, c'est donc l'expulsion des toxines, des résiduts de combustion, des peaux mortes, des pipis et des cacas !!

C'est peut-être là qu'on va avoir les vraies manifestations : dans le retour à l'écrasement ! Sans compter que c'est là aussi qu'on va voir les aspects qui auront appris à voler, qui se seront lancés.

Bon je dis çà parce que j'observe, en dehors de moi pas mal de personnes et si nombre d'entre elles se sont mise en mode pause, il y en a pas mal qui continuent de grimper alors que la stimulation n'est visiblement plus là, puisque le cosmo tellurique aujourd'hui, ne met plus les gazs - on assiste même à une baisse au niveau de "X" ainsi que de tous les seuils.

Le côté rigolo c'est d'observer les différentes composantes physiques ou non physiques et de constater un effet cynétique qui ressemblerait tout à fait au fonctionnement d'un fluide ou des bulles de savon de notre enfance..

Aujourd'hui la solicitation majeure, c'est le rouge de mon protocole, de ma roue qui est sur la page d'accueil de couleurs de vie. C'est là et sur l'orange qui est la solicitation à venir et qui est lié au squelette - (attention les tremblements de terre !!!) - que c'est fait les plus grandes augmentations de niveau vibratoire, mais il y a les aspects qui sont le fond de cette roue ou de cette bulle qui aujourd'hui remontent à fond la caisse. Vous voyez l'image de la bulle un peu allongée parce que tirée par son haut et lachée et qui avant de reprendre sa forme de sphère, s'applatit soudain comme un elastique qu'on lache après l'avoir tendu.

C'est tout à fait çà !

Bon, sur ce ... bonne journée, je ne vais quand même pas vous souhaiter "bonne bulle " !!!
sunrise Inserito il - 12 ottobre 2005 : 18:45:43

There is a Shift in Occurrence

In such a way, it is to know that the energies have begun to shift.
That shift is currently in process.

That which you have intended has begun in its attainment of reality within your recognizable spectrum.
That which you thought was so was the illusion.

It is that now many of you have progressed toward intentional or unintentional higher dimensionality.
This process has occurred in subtle fashion.
It is that many of you have recently stepped into fifth dimensional awareness.

It is as if you see your world from another place, as if from a distance.
Is this not what you strive to achieve with your intentions? Higher being? A state of Grace? And yet, as you become filled with your Grace, many of you resist your very selves.
karam Inserito il - 07 settembre 2005 : 21:08:57

There was a massive shift in consciousness late might and many of you received pieces of yourselves that had been stored in the cosmos that just opened to us. You should drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. Otherwise you should feel your frequencies shoot up.

By Almine

niroshama Inserito il - 08 febbraio 2005 : 19:51:24

Animal give us signals

As we all know, science is finally becoming aware what those of us who are awake and in tune have always Known... that the animals are the most immanent warning system of impending natural disaster.

When the animals grow quiet and/or flee, it's head's up time and you'd better follow their example.
Nature will always the best warning signal, even for the deaf, blind, dumb, and clueless. Even monkeys get quiet when the tiger enters the forest.

North America has been given a most immanent and serious warning sign... the migration of the geese from the southern coastal waters of America back to Canada in the dead of winter.
They have been observed and reported migrating north from all over the North American continent by many people.

This unprecedented winter migration north is due to both their natural response to migrate in harmony with the magnetic core of the earth and the natural instinct of animals to flee areas when they sense danger... when their Knowing warns them of a major pending catastrophe

karam Inserito il - 25 gennaio 2005 : 16:51:36

Readjustment of the Earth's Axis

Scientists know the magnet poles have shifted. The continuing and increasing solar flares have contributed to this massive core movement with the Mother's body.
As the magnet core of the earth shifts, so must the axis eventually follow.

Scientists have proven that the earth has flipped on it's axis many times over history. One professor at the University of New Mexico has determined the earth has flipped on it's physical axis over 170 times, and according to his time table, we are "due" another one.

Many have recently felt the powerful titter of an impending axis shift, which, as we all know, would be catastrophic to the entire planet.

The massive Indonesian earthquake and resulting tsunami has been a forewarning, a precursor indicating the massive pressure of this increasing stress and the need of the planet to follow her core shift with a shift physically.

The Mother Earth has been giving us numerous signs of this increased pressure, with an increase in earthquakes, with the re-activation of so many of the volcanoes including the new build up and awakening of the mega volcano of Yellowstone

sunrise Inserito il - 27 settembre 2004 : 18:46:47
The events are accelerating

On July 26, 2004 we entered into the year of ‘The Storm’ in the Mayan Dreamspell calendar.
Shortly after entering the storm year,
the hurricane Charley blew into Cuba and Florida.
Rain, storms, and flooding will continue throughout this year.

Planet alert by Mahala

amrita Inserito il - 23 giugno 2004 : 13:54:37
Do not give into fear

This is a time when the Darkness is emerging very powerfully into our awareness.
That must happen in order for the mass consciousness to recognize what needs to change and transform.
It is true that many depressing realities are confronting us from many different directions.
It is by the physiological changes that brain and our DNA will be transformed.

Go on towards the light!

sunrise Inserito il - 12 giugno 2004 : 19:24:48

There is good news :

June 2 the earth has been raised an overtone.
That means it is vibrating at an octave higher as an overtone equates to an octave.
Even Nature is singing a different song.

This happened just prior to the Venus transit which signals the return of the sacred Feminine.

Enjoy the new frequency.

karam Inserito il - 16 aprile 2004 : 20:00:22

Thursday April 15th - John Mini - author of "The Aztec Virgin".

There is a powerful wave of awakening
coming through nature right now.
As it does, the old forms of what we knew are shattering and falling away.

This awakening is the energy of what the Aztecs call the Sixth Sun rising.
It's organizing, integrating and pulling
our world together as it brings us into its light.

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