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 prophetic vision

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
karam Inserito il - 18 dicembre 2002 : 14:02:42

2003 - A POWERFUL YEAR and its really hard for me to talk about it. I am a great
dreamer but I don’t know if I dream that large. We will see a real shift in
planetary consciousness. Many of the enemies of the humans will begin to drop
2004 - We will totally gain the light of the great light wheel. There will be
one humanity, one planet composed of all the different ways of dancing in
complete harmony in The Great Gathering Together Circle. In 2004 all the seeds
will be planted.
2005 - The Earth will have its true reality formed. It will join the sisterhood
of planets, the daughters of Copperwoman and it will create within itself all
forms of all things in harmony with the everything.
Harley Swiftdeer

15   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
jasmine Inserito il - 04 maggio 2007 : 12:44:54

Voici, selon Drunvalo, comment nous allons vivre cette expérience du changement de dimension de notre planète :

"Souvenez-vous que ce que je suis sur le point de livrer ici est ce qu'un texte galactique vous révélerait. Il ne s'agit que du scénario habituel. Il pourra y avoir de nombreux détails différents, car la vie est souple et adaptable, mais si vous connaissez les normes, vous pourrez imaginer les différences.

Alors que nous pénétrons dans ce nouveau millénaire, les maîtres ascensionnés sentent qu'il y aura très peu de violence à l'approche du changement, car nous revenons de loin sur le sentier.
Nous avons bien travaillé dans nos efforts visant à faire naître une nouvelle conscience humaine ! Je veux par conséquent vous demander de vous détendre et de ne plus vous inquiéter.

Prenez plaisir à observer cette transition.
Alors que vous êtes les témoins de la perfection de la vie, vous pouvez être comme le bébé que vous avez toujours voulu redevenir, si tel est votre cas.
Sachez que l'on va s'occuper de vous et que l'amour pur dirige déjà les événements. Cette vague d'énergie est tellement plus grande que nous tous que la meilleure défense est encore de nous abandonner complètement à elle et d'être, tout simplement.

Il est fort probable que nous ayons changé les tenants et les aboutissants de cette période de chaos qui, normalement, devrait durer de trois mois à deux ans. On croit maintenant en hauts lieux que la période précédant le changement sera sans doute très courte et ne contiendra pour ainsi dire aucune violence.
On ne s'attend plus à aucun avertissement d'aucune sorte, ou presque, sauf pour la période de transformation elle-même, qui durera de cinq à six heures.

Il est plus que probable que vous vous réveillerez un beau matin et qu'avant le coucher du soleil vous vous retrouviez comme un enfant devant un monde tout neuf.

karam Inserito il - 08 febbraio 2006 : 13:27:12

What we say to you is that your freedom does not lie in the hands of others, it resides within you. The most merciful God lives within your heart of hearts. That which is your Christedness, your perfection. That which is the Christ Consciousness which you seek is you.

We say this to you because you in your world are on the brink of extreme change. Those changes have begun to occur in such a way that many have left your world thousands at a time. You have watched as different areas of your world have moved into complete change and some to destruction. Anytime there is balance being sought on any level of creation, there is change.

For many of you, the changes of which we speak have not directly touched you. Those changes seem to be far removed from the reality of which you are so familiar and within which you are of comfort in that which is known.

In the coming years there are gong to be challenges to your sense of reality, of what is safe and predictable and of what to trust or believe as changes occur in your world.

The coming year is one of bridging one vibration to another. It comes as a time of shaking out that which is not constructive to the highest purpose and that which is climbing of the social consciousness. The time for the shift is now and you are at the crux of the pinnacle, about to soar into parts unknown. Be not afraid. Be powerful.

In this coming year there will be further disruption to the oil industry. Much of this is due to certain entities who wish to bolster their financial gains. There will, however, come an incidence that is of a nature that will draw attention to the corruption of the industry. This in occurrence in the late spring or summer of 2006, depending upon how certain incidences play out between now and then.

Politically, the current leader of Nicaragua appears to be in jeopardy. It appears that there are those who are of enemies to him who would erase him of his life and of his perceived power.

In the United States, your President Bush will face further and more extreme challenges related to his integrity and the decisions he has made which reflect on and directly affect countless people.
There are those who work closely with Bush who will be caught in the net of deceit and all of them will ultimately become publicly liable for those things which they have done. It is that this situation is of many levels and that the deeper those who dig ferret out that which they seek, the larger and more intimidating the picture becomes.

All things of this nature depend upon the very integrity they represent to shield the participants from the public knowing the truth. That truth boils and seethes in its reality and as all things universal must find a release of pressure. The relief in this situation is that the truth will be told. There are at this time two sources who hold the key to and will be willing to unravel that truth.

The war in Iraq, which is a corporate war, will draw greater and greater public disapproval. In such a way, there will come a time by September of 2006 that the troops who occupy there now will have begun to disband.

In Great Britain the prime minister will find himself at odds politically and become indecisive in moments of great import. He will not have another to lean upon in such a way that he may falter.

There will be a loss of a mid level government official in Germany who will perhaps be found to have been self indulging. The events leading up to the change will occur in or near Dresden.

In Panama there will be a political coup that will be unsuccessful. It is poorly financed and unorganized.

In Romaina, Bucharest, there will be further conflict of violent nature particularly near the month of May. There appears to be an escalation of tension amongst certain factions.

There will be further earthquake activity in excess of 6.8 on the Richter scale. There will be activity in the Atlantic Ocean in the area of the Atlantic rift, which will be unexpected. There will be further activity in Indonesia in the form of aftershocks and further quakes.

There will be percussive responses within the earth which will affect the coast of India, the North West coast of the United States including northern California, the coast of Japan the Baltic Sea area and New Zealand. Africa will also be affected.

The New Madrid fault series has become increasingly unstable and will exhibit more activity which will escalate within the next three years.

There will be further volcanic eruptions in the Pacific Rim in a pattern which is noticeable and evidence that the volcanoes are interconnected. For quite some time, geologists have concluded that most volcanoes are independent of each other. In fact, deep below the surface of the earth there is a network of movement of hot liquids and gaseous materials which moves to the surface in order to relieve pressure within the interior of the planet. These are much like check valves. Where the pressure is released depends upon where that release is needed at the time.

Anomalous weather patterns will continue. There will be further evidence of global warming in such a way that the subject will become irrefutable to even the most greatly ignorant.

There will, in the next three years, be discovered a city below the ice in Antarctica. This city was once a major place of power in the before times. There will be bodies found there which are well preserved and can provide stunning data as to the world before this time. Do not be surprised when their physical attributes do not exactly match that of human nature.

There will be evidence found of Atlantis that will mark the beginning of full discovery of the ancient land. Some of this evidence will be found as a result of sands shifting in light of tropical storms and hurricanes and will be in the form of artifacts and remnants of ancient construction.

jasmine Inserito il - 12 ottobre 2005 : 19:00:33

Prophecy of the Mayan

"These prophecies were channeled in the extent of a metaphysical experience for a group of studies of Spain, whose content comes from Intelligences MAYAN, treating of the moment lived by all the terrestrial Humanity."


He/she starts to exist, more and more clearly, two humanities, well
differentiated. The Luminous, to service of the LIGHT and the Dark, to service of the Darkness (ignorance, violence, selfishness, disrespect, arrogance, drafts, lies,...), in franc time of confrontation, a lot of times explicit and armed.

The new planet settles in the orbit between Mars and Jupiter, affecting gravitational structures and revealing unknown aspects of our sciences on the operation and the nature of the Cosmos.

Great Chaos in world level. The great cities succumb, the coastal spaces, the generation systems and distribution of energy, communications, satellites, coins, governments, systems of health and of humanitarian help and civil defense, public safety and military systems and of intelligence.
He/she stops the Internet and the telephony, as well as the military and commercial aviation. trains and ships they still travel, taking crowds without a destination and without homeland.

Who doesn't have earth, he/she won't eat.
More other things are valued, as the companionship, the friendship, the love, the detachment, the compassion, the altruism.

Communities closed and autosubsistentes multiply in wide climbs in the areas more discharges, following advisors interdimensionais and intelligences vindos, subtly, of the external Space.

Simple inventions are revealed in those communities, improving the quality of the survivors' life.

Seismic and volcanic movements are generalized in global scale.

The axis polar of the Earth it changes of position. The oceans flood the areas completely coastal. In a same day, the four stations happen her.
He/she lacks water drinkable and foods. No there are seeds nor tools to work him/it soil.
A great awakening of the humanity, individual is produced the individual. They collapse the nations and the states.

Forces of the Darkness pass more and more for the Light, winning the fear and the distrust

The planetary catastrophes put in harmony ethnic groups all over the world and new nations are going appearing, following new organization patterns and of mutual cooperation, forming regional pieces of advice and special commissions.
Information are shared, knowledge, inputs and results, in nets places, regional and continental.

darika Inserito il - 02 marzo 2005 : 18:26:11

In february a new grid
has formed changing the human species forever.
Humanity has made the evolutionary leap

to the 7th and last stage of human life on this planet before graduating into another planetary system of light.

By Almine

jasmine Inserito il - 06 dicembre 2004 : 19:26:59

We are asking that on December 14, our entire light family unite once again to protect the planet from outside hostile influences.
We will envision a web of light around Mother Earth, allowing in only that which promotes perception and light and comes with the intent of love.

After the end of the year, there will be an easing of some hostile races’ attempt to lower planetary consciousness.

In January and February the enhancement of light on the planet will be able to be felt and will reveal much that before was hidden.

from spiritual jurney

karam Inserito il - 24 agosto 2004 : 20:58:20

Your DNA works like a liquid crystal system within you
that attunes you to what is necessary for your survival, your communication,
and your interpretation of all things that are occurring within and around
you - within your environment, within your body, within all of your aspects and all of the Universal processes.
It is that which keeps you attuned
and Now is the time when changes are being introduced, and those changes
must be addressed immediately in the moment because otherwise the moment has passed.
It is no longer an opportunity but something that could have or would have
been had you been paying attention to that which you were experiencing.

Pay particular attention to how you are feeling, what you are experiencing
and observing
So, it is very, very important for each of you to remain in the moment at
this time, to pay particular attention to how you are feeling, what you are
experiencing, and what you are observing in every given moment.

Because you know the answers are there for you - the answers are always there for
Many of you say the chaos is too much - you thought you had already finished
And you are complaining - many of you are saying that the chaos is too
There is too much to deal with.
You thought you had already finished those
While you are complaining you are missing the cure because you
are not paying attention.


Your resistance to change limits what you are experiencing and contributes to the chaos
When you resist the changes that are occurring for you, when you hold
on too tightly to that which you are experiencing, it is that which is your
resistance that not only limits the amount of change that you are experiencing, but also contributes to the ]chaos that you are experiencing as a result of your resistance.

You make a denseness of the energy around what you have withheld and it
becomes stagnant.
You make a denseness of the energy that is around what you have withheld,
and in doing so it becomes stagnant within you. It makes you feel bad.
It assists in the creation of chaotic sense of your world, your environment,
and your experiences.
Because what you have done is you have blocked the
flow of energy within you and in such a way it becomes bigger within you.

You either become physically ill or those chaotic energies begin to
manifest around you and in the people around you.

Address these karmic issues immediately; otherwise you have missed the
opportunity to create change
And so it is that not only are your personal karmic experiences being
challenged at this time, but those that you have with all others, those that
you have with all others.

In such a way then, it is to address these
Do not sit and think about them because you have then missed the opportunity to create the change in the moment when it is
Many of you say the chaos is too much - you thought you had already finished
And you are complaining - many of you are saying that the chaos is too
There is too much to deal with.
You thought you had already finished those

While you are complaining you are missing the cure because you are not paying attention.

Stop worrying about it and allow it to be
And so it is then to stop worrying to about it - allow it to be.
And so it is and then it is finished.
You see?
In such a way, then, you have created
a peaceful environment within and around yourself.
And in such a way
you have given yourself an opportunity to be and grow with that which you
are doing.

Now, what is it about the energies that is doing this for you?
What is it
about the energies that is changing for you, has changed for you, has
changed Universally, and continues to bombard you, so to speak, because
many of you know that many of you are operating on very little sleep.

You are waking up a lot at night.
You are thinking that you are on overdrive,
but are you not accomplishing great things during your days when you have
so much energy?

karam Inserito il - 05 maggio 2004 : 14:10:09

To become master of self

Mastery is also about acceptance of self. Seeing the perfection that you are.
If one sees one’s self as less that perfect, then everything that one does begins from imperfection.
That which one attempts to create begins as less than perfect and therefore cannot come to perfect results.

To become a Master of Self, one must not only talk about enlightened beingness, one must live enlightenment.
One must walk the path that one has chosen, willingly and with grace.

To do so requires seeing all others as mirrors of self, and to learn from what is seen in those reflections. When one is attracted to another because one is beautiful or intelligent or some other favorable asset, one may recognize one’s own beauty in that reflection.

When one sees less than perfection in another, one recognizes one’s own pain or vulnerabilities.
When one sees within another attributes that make one uncomfortable it is because that discomfort is recognized as an integral part of the observer.
What buttons do others push for you? Do you recognize your discomfort in that which they reflect to you?

One must not judge one’s self (or others) period. When judgment is utilized it is to feed one’s ego or to judge one’s self based upon the egos and values of others.
When this is done, the entirety of that judgment is based upon untruth.
It is to view and experience one’s self as perfect in all ways.

Mastery of self requires unbounded humility. It is not about what one may do with one’s perceptions, one’s gifts, one’s knowings, rather, what may be shared of them. It is, then, about becoming heart centered, using the mind of the heart, the soul of being, to move forth into the world sharing that which has come so that others may touch and remember that reality.
To heal with what is given; to teach with what has come and to know that in all ways that if there was not a greater spirit within the One, that one would never have experienced that which has come.

It is to accept the journey that one has requested unconditionally and without reserve, instead, moving forth from within one’s light gladly and wholly with nothing retained of self for self, rather gaining by the sharing and expression of one’s own perfection.

Mastery requires forgiveness of self and of others for that which one perceives to have been harmful or damaging.

It is to realize that everything was perfect in whatever moment that it occurred, and that this moment now present is the only one there is. That nothing was ever created outside of a moment.

Unconditionally is an aspect of all Masters.
When one moves throughout one’s experiences unconditionally one has stated to the universal processes that one is and of that which is One and that there are none lesser or greater than one.
In such a way, one meets others from that space which simply is, that space which lacks all inference of less or more and unconditional perfection may be reflected in the exchange.

One must accept that which is the Grace of the One within one’s being.
To love is not that which is found in one’s thoughts or emotional selves, rather, it is to be found as an inherent part of one’s sacred self.

That which is true Grace is emanated from the heart center outward as light and that light fills all that is around it, moving outwardly, sweeping all that is in its path with the Grace of perfection.
In such a way one can change the world by simply being.

When one begins to operate from a state of Grace, the path is clear and other aspects of Mastery become self evident in the journey.


sunrise Inserito il - 12 marzo 2004 : 20:32:14

. . . Things are no longer in line. The moon appears closer for a good reason.
The reason for this is not easy to explain, but let's just say that it is not normal. Now all things are coming into disarray.

The disorder will bring on more chaos as once spoken about in the problem-reaction-solution scenarios. These scenarios will only be seen more and more in the near future.

. . . We want you to know that the things coming are going to be fun and amazing as well as difficult.
There will be some times of great and wondrous events.

The critical time is at hand now. All who are still on their fences are late to do what they came here to do in this lifetime. Better late than never DEFINITELY rings true for those out there who have not started their work.
It is time to stop playing in the matrix and deal with reality. There is no longer time to hedge your bets.


karam Inserito il - 16 gennaio 2004 : 19:54:46

Report by Captain Lyur

Such a transition will be made by many individuals at the time of the
frequency change upon planet Earth. Many have felt that this will take place
gradually through many generations of your peoples.
However, this is not so: the frequency change will take place abruptly - to your peoples, abruptly, not only as we understand the time phases.

This will be due to many events of a cataclysrnic nature taking place, not only on your planet, but outside of your planet in the meaning of the Solar System.
For a comet, or comets, coming into this system from areas outside, are due
to cause much disruption of the - you might term it - force-field
surrounding planet Earth.
Since your scientists do not have the knowledge
available with which to protect your planet, as do we of other planets such
as Venus, Mars, or Saturn, it is going to be inevitable that a certain
amount of upheaval will transpire on the surface and beneath the surface of
planet Earth.

The Central Sun is emitting tremendously high frequencies, ultra-violet radiations, and at the time at this stepped-up energy output, the entrance of foreign bodies into this system will take place.
Your planet, as you know it, has to undergo structural changes. Your peoples
have to undergo changes of consciousness to be attuned with the things of a
new dispensation to take into themselves, their beings, the increased
energies and utilize these for their future transitional move.

These energies taken into the field, or as you term it aura, of an
individual, will emit such high frequency radiation as to rise the molecular
structure of the cells to a point whereby the body will then vibrate in the
next level.
So will come the change spoken of by many, imperfectly understood by many, but grasped by some.

The transition of matter into a finer, more etherialized matter will take place.
You will still be yourselves, you will still function as human beings with all the sense
perceptions of human beings.
But you will be of a more rarefied construction

niroshama Inserito il - 12 dicembre 2003 : 20:39:13

A new alignment after concordance

As you have passed the concordance of harmonic alliance universally, and as the star gate has opened of which we have given much information, you are finding that there are many changes within your perceptions of this world. You are finding that what you perceive as time is speeding up and that your days are flying past.

Events are moving more quickly that your comprehension of them and at the same time you are facing delays one after the other when making plans particularly when dealing with automated systems which are electronic in nature.

Symptoms of your experiences may include forgetfulness or misinterpretation of that which others are saying or doing, tendencies to interpret things in your environment as other than they are, pain at the base of the skull, muscle discomfort, particularly in your backs and hips (this because you are acclimating to new energies that you have not carried before this now) and sinus congestion which manifests as allergies, broken sleep patterns, general restlessness and a sense that there are things that are about to happen within your world that you can’t quite identify.

Integrity issues and relationship issues are plaguing many of you and the whys and how’s are not evident in ways that you comprehend.

We tell you this: That which was is no longer and that which is, is not what you knew within your perceptions of reality.
It is that you have moved beyond veils that had covered the basis of many of your perceptions.

It is as if you are in the sky trying to speak to those who are under water.
In this respect, your communications no matter how direct are often mot heard or are misunderstood in their meaning.
That which you are being told in many cases is not accurate to your queries.
It is a time of frustration for may of you.

You are rising above that which was the illusion, coloring all of your decisions and actions, to a purer form of communication.

In the moments of alignment, as the star gate opened, there were aspects of you that experienced complete alignment as well.

Aspects of you that carried back from that experience, higher frequencies of the Light within you that cause you now to be more harmonized with all that is in your world. This harmonization within you allows you to perceive motivations and intentions of others in ways that you never have before. At the same time, you are being able to withdraw the veils that have covered your etheric eyes and use those natural abilities within you to know your world, your environment, and your relationships, your selves in ways that you have never noticed or known.

That which is the very essence of your being is not the density of your humanness but far beyond as the eternal essences of light that each of you is. As manifested offspring of the Source as it was in the Beginning.

Therefore, you are praying to yourselves each time you ask for guidance.

Each time that you request something of the Universe, you are asking yourself for permission to have that experience. And so it is that we remind you to give yourself that permission. Create that which you seek by knowing that you are valid and deserving as a representative of the Source to have any experience that you wish.

How do you do this you ask? Verily we say to you that you must call in the very alignment that you have just experienced. Call in an alignment of all of your aspects. You exist in many places simultaneously and each of those manifestations is having an experience different from all other manifestations of yourself.
When you align all of your aspects into one functioning being of multiple existences you are calling on the power of all those existences to create that which you intend. Do you see?

Imagine that prior to the Harmonic Concordance, you were operating as fragmented beings.
All of your selves working individually and not together in harmony.
Part of you attempting to create for all of you.
In such a way, much of what you attempted failed or did not result in that which you consciously intended.
In this now, more than any other, you have the power to be and do anything that you intend to create for yourselves and your world.

Imagine yourselves as a musical chord.
If you are in harmony with all of your aspects, and you could hear the music of your being-ness, it would be a thing of beautiful resonance.
It would resound with the power of the One.

Now imagine that you are a musical chord, and that you are operating in a fragmented way.
The harmonization becomes discordant and the sounds that it produces are of great discomfort to your ears.
It causes you to become small as you shrink from the discomfort.
And in doing so, your energies are condensed, beginning to move slowly, and blocking that which would have otherwise come to you as well as that which you are attempting to create. You become diminished in your being-ness.

And so it is to not simply recognize that your world has had a harmonic alignment, but you as creatures of the Source have also aligned from within. You are beautiful in your tones as they come together to harmonize your being-ness.

And when you gather as harmonized beings, the chords that are each of you become a symphony within the creation of all things.

That which is the harmony of you in conjunction of the harmony of others brings about a re-harmonization within the universal construct in such a way that manifests new and different realities that you have intentionally created.

You are beautiful.


By M.B.

karam Inserito il - 10 dicembre 2003 : 13:27:08

Message from Archangel Michael
Received by Doreen Virtue

Since the lunar eclipse / Harmonic Concordance of November 8, the energy has shifted tremendously.
Now, everything must be in integrity and truth, or the appearance of chaos occurs. Anything unethical is revealed instantly, and cannot be hidden or ignored.

Many issues involving ethics are likely
to surface in your life right now.
You will be asked to make many decisions about life changes, to bring your life in accord with your higher self's

It's imperative and of utmost importance that lightworkers shield themselves from lower energies which could keep us from reaching our collective and personal Divine missions.

To accomplish this, lightworkers are asked to immediately begin a detoxification program. Abstain from chemicals, drink lots of water and organic juice, take sea salt baths, and go outside daily for fresh air, play, and relaxation.

In other words, care for your body is crucial right now.
Treat yourself as you would a newborn baby, for after the lunar eclipse, you ARE newly born. And like a baby, certain precautions must be taken, as you are extra-sensitive at this time.

Avoid guilt, which creates vulnerabilities and invokes harsh energies.
Release guilt to us for transmutation.

Shield yourself in purple light, and re-shield yourself frequently.
Purple light will shield you from lower energies, and elevate your consciousness
to one of love.

There is nothing to fear by this transmission. Know that I am forever
posted at your side, awaiting your requests, and ready to escort you through your path.
Together, we CAN impact this world with the greatest infusion of love and light the planet has ever seen.
We will leave this planet thriving in new light by the awakening process which is unfolding before your very eyes.
You play a crucial role in this process, Dear One. Take excellent care of yourself, so that I may be better able to help you serve the Light.

I AM Michael.

amrita Inserito il - 30 ottobre 2003 : 20:03:33

concordance harmonique
puisqu'elle indique une réunion d'énergies permettant une harmonisation du cosmos.
Vous recevrez une sorte de signature énergétique qui se fera par un trou dans la matière du treillis cosmique relié au temps et qui permettra ce saut quantique.

Cette signature est une énergie de la Source qui va littéralement inonder des plus hautes fréquences d'Amour jamais encore envoyées sur cette Terre.

TOUT ETRE VIVANT (quelque soit son royaume: minéral, végétal, animal, humain ou éthérique)pendant ce lapse de temps du saut quantique qui aura lieu en France la nuit du 8 au 9 Novembre vers trois heure du matin.(Les rayons commenceront à rayonner dès le matin du 8 préparant ainsi l'ouverture qui se fera pendant la nuit.)

Vous pourrez pendant cet espace voyager avec votre conscience et vous laissez imprégner du souvenir de l'Unicité de Toute VIE et ouvrir votre coeur et voyager vers là où vous aurez choisi d'aller vibratoirement.

Bon 8 Novembre: votre futur est l'accomplissement des intentions posées par l'étincelle sous vos pensées actuelles! croyez et vous verrez....

Je vous AIME !


Canalisé par : Carolyn Agussol

sunrise Inserito il - 07 ottobre 2003 : 18:38:59

Concordance harmonique du 8 novembre




C¡¯est aujourd¡¯hui le premier jour de la pr¨¦paration d¡¯une nouvelle
¨¦nergie plus l¨¦g¨¨re qui commence §Ñ arriver surle plan terrestre. Vous
remarquerez un changement subtil dans vos pens¨¦es. Ce sera peut-¨ºtre
l¡¯occasion d¡¯¨ºtre plus positif, et certaines des pens¨¦es n¨¦gatives que
vous avez tous diminueront.

Ne soyez pas pr¨¦occup¨¦ par les agissements du monde.
Transcendez le chaos quotidien.
Avez-vous remarqu¨¦ que vous ¨ºtes de plus en plus environn¨¦ par un certain chaos, que vous ne pouvez maintenant controler que tr§Ús peu de choses et que les plannings pour le futur changent sans
cesse ?
ela n¡¯a pas toujours ¨¦t¨¦ ainsi.
Vous rappelez-vous lorsque vous planifiez les choses et qu¡¯elles se faisaient §Ñ l¡¯heure ?

Lorsque le futur ne pourra plus §Ütre contr§æl§Û (il ne l¡¯a jamais §Ût§Û,
mais vous en devenez simplement conscient), vous serez oblig§Û de
demeurer dans le pr§Ûsent. Si tout ce que vous planifiez a fortement
tendance §Ñ changer, ne croyez-vous pas que vous allez finir par arr§Üter
de faire des plans ? Et c¡¯est alors que les choses vont vraiment
devenir amusantes.

O¨´ se trouve la paix que vous recherchez ? Elle se trouve dans l¡¯instant pr§Ûsent. Lorsque votre esprit est calme, il est naturellement heureux et en paix.
A mesure que vous entrerez davantage dans votre ¨¦tat d¡¯esprit naturel, vous verrez les portes d¡¯¨¦nergie qui s¡¯ouvrent
devant vous.


Nous confirmons qu¡¯il y a une ouverture sur
la Source Universelle le 8 novembre 2003.
Il s¡¯agit d¡¯une journ¨¦e du m¨ºme type que nombre d¡¯entre vous ont connue au moment de la convergence harmonique de 1987.

Cette journ¨¦e du 8 novembre est appel¨¦e Concordance Harmonique.
Ceux qui s¡¯int¨¦ressent §Ñ l¡¯astrologie remarqueront la configuration des plan¨¨tes ce jour-l¨¤.

Que vous compreniez la signification astrologique de cette journ¨¦e ou non, nous vous demandons de r¨¦server un certain temps ce jour-l§Ñ pour prier et m¨¦diter ensemble

Chaque fois que vous cessez d¡¯avoir une pens¨¦e n¨¦gative, chaque fois que vous n¡¯¨ºtes plus ni dans le pass¨¦ ni dans le futur, chaque fois que vous faites personnellement l¡¯exp¨¦rience de la joie et de l¡¯harmonie,
vous contribuez §Ñ la paix dans le monde.

Que pouvez-vous faire pour changer le monde ? Simplement vous changer vous-m§Üme....... C¡¯est pourquoi nous vous demandons d¡¯avoir davantage conscience de l¡¯impact qu¡¯ont vos pens¨¦es et vos paroles sur l¡¯ensemble des choses.

Nos messages vont §Ñ pr§Ûsent se poursuivre jusqu¡¯au 8 novembre o§ë nous serons avec vous pour contribuer §Ñ cette nouvelle ouverture §Ñ l¡¯amour, §Ñ la paix et §Ñ un pouvoir plus ¨¦lev¨¦.

Une lumi¨¨re dor¨¦e vous entoure¡­

Paris, le 1er octobre 2003

(Fin de message)

niroshama Inserito il - 20 agosto 2003 : 15:45:56

purification par le feu

Extrait d'un message de Metatron, un archange.

Et les incendies viendront en vos terres. De nombreuses r§Ûgions seront br§íl§Ûes et un grand nombre seront chass§Ûs de leurs maisons. Mais ceci aussi est appropri§Û. Les incendies permettent de lib§Ûrer.
Les incendies permettent de purifier.
La chaleur qu'ils d§Ûgagent permet de transformer.
Et lorsque certains vous diront, §Ñ vous et §Ñ d'autres, que c'est la fa§Ùon pour la nature de punir ceux qui ont mal agi par le pass§Û, sachez que ces paroles sont incompl§Útes, et qu'elles ne repr§Ûsentent qu'une partie de la v§Ûrit§Û.

Sachez que les incendies seront appropri§Ûs. Sachez que ces incendies seront simplement de la transformation.

Et les eaux viendront. Elles viendront de la mer. Elles viendront du ciel. Et elles seront abondantes. Les eaux seront plus abondantes que ce que vous avez vu, m§Üme dans vos vies pass§Ûes.

Les eaux viennent laver. Les eaux viennent §Ûpurer. Et les eaux viennent §Ûteindre le feu de haine qui a embras§Û le coeur de l'homme.
Lorsque viendront les eaux, certains diront que c'est un autre signe de la Col¨¨re de Dieu, mais comprenez que c'est appropri¨¦.

Ne soyez pas attrist¨¦s lorsque ces vents souffleront, que les incendies feront rage, que la Terre tremblera et que les eaux viendront. Maintenez votre divinit¨¦, chers amis. Maintenez votre divinit¨¦...
karam Inserito il - 19 giugno 2003 : 19:54:17

the new balance of the earth and the next stargate

The energies the past few weeks have been amazing.

We are being bombarded with one x class solar flare after another. This is exacerbating the effects of the already high end energy that we are experiencing.

There have been several large earthquakes 6+ on the Richter scale.
This means that we are also receiving high influxes of energy as the earth attempts to find her own balance.

What is happening in the experiences of many is that there is a sense of chaos that feels and seems unexplainable.

Issues everyone thought were long since healed are rising their ugly heads and making us deal with them like it or not! Ofter we are blindsided by these experiences.

The sensations that we are having in our three dimensional bodies are widely varied from transient pain to feelings of being generally “out of sorts”.

Emotionally, it is a powerful time.
Many have reported difficulty in recognition of the Joy within. It is there, under the things that we are holding too tightly.

Feelings seem to be magnified from one extreme to another, often seeming out of balance and even inappropriate for the moment.

Keep breathing, it is all going to pass shortly.

There will be a dramatic change in the energies that we are feeling in about three weeks.
As the changes occur, there will be a smoothing of the energies for at least two months.

After that, we will be moving toward the celestial event that is occurring on November 8th which will also bring the opening of the star gate that the Masters have mentioned in previous messages.

This will bring much change over a three month period that will cause us to pause and assess our values, our sense of connection on universal levels and even our inter-relationships with fellow humans beings.
We are headed toward a see-saw of energies this fall that will challenge us beyond that which we have experienced to date.

Also of note, the veils continue to thin as expected.

I am noticing particularly that inter-dimensional clarity and levels of inter-action have jumped up about a dozen notches. As if it wasn’t already an incredible journey!
Accessibility to other dimensional realities has become much easier with less energetic interference. intelligibility “out there” is astounding.

This is a time for clearing ourselves of things that we carry within us which no longer serve us. It is a time for acceptance of that which is, not that which we do not wish to accept.
Carrying needless history within us only serves to keep us earthbound. If we wish to soar throughout the heavens, we must rid ourselves of all ballast.

If there must be grief, let it be for those who have not yet discovered the mysteries of flight, not for that which we, in our own journeys, misconstrued as truth.

Every moment that you live and breathe you are fulfilling your purpose. Remember Light.



Scritto Da - karam on 19 Giugno 2003 19:59:12

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